File Formats
The BYAML file format has been seen in various game engines, including AL, LunchPack and ModuleSystem.
This is a first-party audio framework that uses nw::snd / nn::atk internally.
- BARSLIST files (audio resource lists)
- BARS files (audio resources)
- BAMETA files (audio metadata)
- BAATN files (audio attenuators)
- BAROC files (roll off curves)
- BACTC files (custom curves)
- BAUDC files (unit distance curves)
- BAACL files (attenuation culling)
- BAGST files (audio group settings)
- BLAL files (loop asset list)
- BWAV files (wave sounds)
This is a first-party library that mostly deals with shaders and textures.
- PMAA files (graphics parameters)
- SHARCFB files (binary shader archives)
- SHARC files (shader archives)
The PMAA file format covers many different extensions such as .baglenv
and .bagldof
This is a tiny Wii U library that loads textures and shaders from gtx/gsh files.
LibMessageStudio is a tiny library that loads message files.
NintendoWare is a middleware library for audio, ui, and model rendering.
/ nn::vfx
/ nn::g3d
/ nn::ui2d
- BFFNT files (fonts)
- BFLYT files (layouts)
- BFLIM files (layout images)
- BFLAN files (layout animations)
/ nn::atk
- Overview
- BFSAR files (sound archives)
- BFGRP files (sound groups)
- BFBNK files (instrument banks)
- BFWAR files (wave archives)
- BFWAV files (wave files)
- BFWSD files (wave sounds)
- BFSEQ files (sequence sounds)
- BFSTM files (stream sounds)
- BFSTP files (stream sound prefetch)
This is Nintendo's private standard library. This library is used by many first-party games like Mario and Splatoon, and most other first-party libraries (like AAL) use this library internally as well.
ELINK and SLINK were first-party libraries that control particle and sound effects respectively. Later, these libraries were merged into a single library called XLINK.
The libraries use AAL and nw::eft / nn::vfx internally.
XLINK files have the file extension .bslnk
or .belnk
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)
- PAK files (archives)
- ROOM files (game areas)
- CMDL files (models)
- SMDL files (skinned models)
- WMDL files (world models)
- CHAR files (characters)
- TXTR files (textures)
- MTRL files (materials)
- LDTA files (loose data)
- Super guide / replay files
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
- Replay files
- BSIS files (random audio id set)